Monday, January 30, 2012

My Teacher Ms.Dowker

This is a blog about my teacher Ms.Dowker. She is a very kind but very strict teacher that really cares about the safety of her students and staff.She can sometimes have her moments where she says just figure it out and do it on your own,but that is to be expected from any teacher no matter how kind and cool they are.Anyway I really enjoy having her as my teacher.If you are reading this and your name is Ms.Dowker have a nice day:).

Thursday, January 19, 2012


1. My winter of 2011 was very interesting. It was very interesting because I got to have Christmas and play my XBOX 360. The gamesI got for my XBOX were Halo Reach Call Of Duty Black Ops and Supreme Commander 2 and also DJ Rapstar YAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway though in was very fun and I was very happy to get that all for christmas. another YAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! During the winter I had alot of fun inside and out. The fun was friends family and my XBOX 360. But lets not forget my cat he is very funny sometimes. Especially when he gets playfull. Anyway it was a fun winter. PS.
2. One event of 2011 I will remember is Osama Bin Laden's death because everyone was so relieved when he died. They were relieved because they were living in a life of fear thinking that they might get killed next or tortured next. We all know that noone should have to live like that. Not now not ever.

3. The top ten things off the top of my mind that I think of are my winter/christmas, Osama Bin Ladin's death, When I got the kitten, The fun I had at school work and all, the fun I had with my family, The friends I made along the way, When I got my xbox 360, All of the friendly faces I saw, and The imagination of a better future.       By: Zackary Kenneth Dixon Have a nice day Ms.Dowker.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Inference 101

1. I wouldn't eat after that two-year-old if I were you.
Inference: The two-year-old probably did something gross to the food you were
about to eat, or has a cold and you could catch it. Something bad will
happen to you if you eat it because he "I wouldn't" sounds like a
I think it means that the little two-year-old did something unforgetable and unforgiveable to the food you are about to eat.

2. For Valentine’s Day, my fantastic neighbor gave his wife a poem that took him
about two seconds to write. Sheesh.

Inference: My neighbor is not very considerate since he didn't take his time
writing the poem, the text clue that led me to this decision was the
"Sheesh". People usually say "Sheesh" when they are annoyed or

Montreal Massacre

A man holds students hostage during their class at l'École Polytechnique in Montreal on Dec. 6, 1989. He separates the men from the women and tells the men to leave the classroom, threatening them with his .22-calibre rifle. The enraged man begins a shooting rampage that spreads to three floors and several classrooms, jumping from desk to desk while female students cower below. He roams the corridors yelling, "I want women." Before opening fire in the engineering class, he calls the women "une gang de féministes" and says "J'haïs les féministes I hate feminists." One person pleads that they are not feminists, just students taking engineering. But the gunman doesn't listen. He shoots the women and then kills himself. Parents of the Polytechnique students wait outside the school crying and wonder if their daughters are among the 14 dead.

I was surprised to discover that somebody would actualy do that, especially at a public place such as a school. No wonder it's called a massacre. It's just a horrid thing to think about, let alone have happen to you or anyone else. The thought of it makes me speechless. I feel really sorry for the friends and familys of the people that were killed on that day. So the only question I have is really just why?

The effects of this silences women across the world because one single person performed such an act of violence against women.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Julius Caesar

People: Julius Caesar: Was a brave warrior that got killed by dagger in his back...
unfortunately :(. Brutus: One of Caesar's best friends that commited suicide with dagger.
Octavious: Caesar's heir. Marc Anthony: Was friends with Brutus Until he betrayed Brutus by portraying him as a bad person.

Caesar was kind of in charge in the begining then some people lure him into a trap in witch he gets stabbed by a fat guy. after Marc Anthny then portrays Brutus as a bad person. Entire place starts to rampage. Brutus flees to Asia where he gathers his own army. Starts a war with Octavious and Marc Anthony Brutus loses and commits suicide because he would rather kill himself then get dregged down the streets.