Thursday, November 24, 2011

Digital Book Talk

The book United We Stand has beenan interesting book for me so far. From waking up in the hospital to going home to a vivid description of him being in the twin towers when the planes hit. would you like this book? Or have you read it already?

Astronaut @ Q.E.C.V.I

Dr.Andrew Feustel talked about his journeys into outer space. He spoke about how he enjoyed space walks and how fun they were. One thing I found interesting was the space stations him and his crew went to. I thought it was very interesting.


Imagine you are staring at this house, it looks normal until it starts to deform and look like a fluid. At first you panic but you can't help but stare. Then in a flash of light it turns into a blinding portal of irresistable light. You cant help but feel happy at the sight of it. Then as it grows brighter it vanishes leaving no trace of it ever existing. Now all that lay before you is the exact same house that turned into the portal of nothing but bright light and happiness. Never to turn up again... or did it?

Corn Maze

When me and the rest of my class went to Wolfe Island we had so much fun. We got to ride on a HORSE WAGON, get all MUDDY, have FUN, and ENJOY OURSELVES. To me it was one of the best trips EVER. Anyway here's a pic... ENJOY.